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Mohini and Sam

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Officiant's Speech

Govind Srivastav


Good morning everyone,

We are gathered here today to join Sam and Mohini in the union of marriage.

Before we start the ceremony, I want to thank all of Mohini and Sam's family and friends who have joined us on this special day, both physically and through Zoom. 

Mohini and Sam have both expressed to me how deeply grateful they are to celebrate their relationship with you, and how excited they are to continue getting to know all the people important in their lives as a married couple. 

For those who don't know me, I am Mohini's brother and now her officiant. Unlike most ministers, I was present when Mohini and Sam met. I third wheeled their first date, and a few more after that. So, I am really excited and honored to third wheel their wedding today. 

I'd like to start by sharing the opening words of a Sikh Prayer: 

Ek onkar

Sat nam karta purakh
Nir bhau nir vair

Akaal murat
Ajuni saibhang

In Sanskrit, onkar is the sound OM. So, ek onkar literally translates to - "one sound", OM, the one note. 

Sat nam Karta purakh. 

It created all things. 

Nir  bhau Nir vair.

Without fear. Without hate. 

Akaal murat Ajooni saibhang. 

Without form, omnipresent, and self-existent. Beyond birth, beyond death. 

The world as we know it began with this one sound: OM, this one eternal note carried on through time. 

Scientists put a date on it. 13.7 billion years ago is when an event in space, the big bang, created a cosmic expansion, which created everything: the sun, the moon, the earth, the people we share are lives with. All from one cosmic event.

A little over a year ago, 30 minutes east of where we stand today, another cosmic event occurred. A collision between two worlds - the worlds of Sam Pollock and Mohini SrIvastav. Unlike the big bang, I was there to witness this moment. I tried to give them space to talk and get to know each other, but I couldn't help but see the excitement on their faces. I noticed how my sister's lips curled into a smile when Sam asked for her number. We don't know what brought Sam and Mohini together that day, whether it was fate, luck, or something divine. But these two unlikely worlds met at this one event, creating a spark that remains lit today. 

One eternal note.

As time passed, Sam and Mohini continued to see each other, and their relationship grew. In San Jose,  I witnessed how they grew more comfortable sharing their stories, their personalities, and their feelings with one another. From that one unlikely event in Oakland, they built a life together. Their one note now accompanied by the constant rhythm of their shared routine, enriched by high notes from travels together, and by the depths of new challenges, constantly expanding the range of their love. 

Sam and Mohini, you have very clearly stated that your music tastes don't match. Mohini's country pop and Sam's psychedelic Latin rarely overlap. But I'd like to challenge that. I have found one thing in common. The one note that has found itself rhythm, melody, and turned into a song. Which I have been lucky enough to hear parts of over the past few months. 

Mohini, I have known you for the past 24 years, but since you have been with Sam it's like I've met you again. Its not that I've met a new Mohini or a changed person. Instead, I've seen you dig deep within yourself to understand and challenge who you are. To draw the confidence and strength of your personality into the light. When I see you here, I see someone who is strong but willing to be vulnerable, independent but supported, caring and cared for, loving and loved. 

Sam, though I've known you for less time, I admire your ability to let Mohini's personality shine, while staying true to your own. You bring your intelligence and curiosity to all the conversations we 've had and into every new experience I've seen you jump into. Mohini described you as having the unique ability to balance your creative and original personality with reliability, diligence, and a willingness to learn. 

Sam, you've said that your journey with Mohini has been one of the heart and the head. You both have built this relationship with your heads and loved from your hearts. You've been willing to share your worlds with each other and take leaps of faith to bring them together. As you continue to navigate the constantly shifting world we live in, I leave you the same advice that you gave me -- trust your journey. Like any journey, there will be more challenges, surprises, and more leaps of faith. As you embark on this new phase of life as a married couple, I challenge you to take those leaps together, without fear and without hate. Immerse yourself in the song of your love as it develops into an eternal symphony - without form, omnipresent, and self-existent beyond birth and death. 



With that, we'll move on to the garland exchange. In Hindu weddings, wearing the Jaimaal, these garlands, publicly shows the acceptance of marriage by both parties, and your commitment to your relationship. 

Jaimaal Exchange

Sam Pollock



In the past year, you have brought an incredible amount of happiness into my life. You are the best partner I could ask for, and I feel so lucky to have found you.



Everyday you show me, through your actions and words, how much you care about me. In doing so, you make me aspire to be a better person, to give as much as I get, and to reflect that love and care back to you.


From the very start, you have made me feel like a part of your family, and what an incredibly wonderful family you have. It has been apparent to me how much they love and support you and, in turn, how much you care for them. 

I am so grateful for the three weeks we spent with them in Dubai. Being quarantined turned out to be a huge blessing because we had that extra time to really get to know one another. 

It still blows my mind how much we have grown and experienced together in the span of a year. After all that time, you still find new ways to show me your empathy, compassion, and love. Every time we have taken a leap of faith together, we have come out happier and stronger on the other side. I know that this is one of those times.

As your husband and partner, I will always embrace you for who you are. I will be there for you when you need me whether that need be little or small, in sickness or health. I will support you on whatever journey you want to take or path you want to follow. 

I am so excited to join our families and start our own. I love you so much and am so grateful to have found such a beautiful and loving partner for life. 


Mohini Srivastav


On the night I met you, I noticed that your eyes lit up right when you had a joke to tell. And I noticed that you got along with my brother! That night you were kind and lighthearted, you were curious and thoughtful. We talked about so many things. After that night, we both knew that we would see each other again. 

Its been a year and three months since New Years 2020 at Will's, and those things have remained constant. You always make me laugh, and sharing our families with each other has been a really special part of our relationship. You always radiate optimism, lightheartedness, and curiosity. 

Today, we are starting something new. You're going to be an amazing father. Life with you is colorful and spontaneous, each chapter is a new adventure. 

I love you, and I will continue to love you through my words and actions. All I know is that one lifetime together will never be enough. 

From Mohini

To Sam 


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Signing the Marriage License 


Speeches from Our Parents

A Blessing from Our Baba (Grandfather)

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